Mohawks Rock

So I've been listening to this band since before I started kindergarten. But has anyone noticed that the more political they get the more they suck? Like prior to American Idiot they were fantastic, but now their songs all sound the same and just suck nuts? I can't be the only one that hears/sees this. Or am I the only one that even listened to them anyway? haha.

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I like some of their stuff, not heaps.
I don't believe in "pop-punk" i listen to some bands labeled so like Less Than Jake but it's alternative music to me.
I used to be a big fan. I like they're new music, cos I'm pretty open to music, but it's alternative now, they're old music is CERTAINLY much better.
Eh, I disagree with you about a few things, but this is just my opinion. I like their political songs, mostly because of the content though I think they have a great sound. Noone else is basically saying "Fuck em" to the war, etc. And if they are, they are being quite pansy about it. Green Day have been saying a lot of stuff that a lot of bands nowadays that are in the "mainstream" are too afraid to say and I think that's amazing.
However, I like all of their CDs.


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