Mohawks Rock

I read a lot about the problems people have with their Mohawks and I am curious...What are some of the great things about having a Mohawk?

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First of all, people notice and remember you, even if not by name, then you are "the dude with the Mohawk." Also, it's an almost foolproof "cool detector," as the cool people out there are usually at least OK with Mohawks (often, you'll get compliments-at least I do; in fact I've yet to get any truly negative feedback), and the no-fun uptight Puritan crowd shuns us. People who are that superficial, that judgemental, will totally fuck up your life if you let them. As for me personally, deep down I'd always wanted to have my hair this way, and now I just feel totally right with a Mohawk.
Ha Amen brother.

But I have had some rude comments.
I totally get all the good comments more than babe. Plus, the ladies really dig it when I go out.
Agreed. The ladies love the hawk.
Not around here.
I got nothing either
keep your hair out of your eyes when its up:|
Very nice answer I feel the exact same way. I seem to be able to weed people out without even having to approach them most times.
I also can weed assholes out by the fact that there are some people who no matter how many times I tell them "don't fucking touch my hair" they keep on doing it.
You'd be surprised at how many people dig it. In fact every time I go out there's at least one person or some kid that's just like whoa awesome! Old folks even dig it. The old guys think it's ridiculous, but for the most part they aren't jerks about it. And I've gotten some awesome comments from even old ladies in churches and stuff. This one even started calling me star cause I looked like one to her with my liberty spikes. Say what you will about now that people accept mohawks more readily we need to find something new to wear our "non-conformity" or something like that, but the truth is, the mohawk is still a message that says I don't give a crap what you think of me, I'm going to be who I am and no less. If you're a half-way decent human being, most people will realize that even if you look different, you're real. And to be quite frank, people are looking for that. So go on and just do what you feel. Whether that be a mohawk or not, as long as it's real, and true to who you are.
Yes! Yes!

Wow, very nice way of putting it dude. See I wish there were more Mohawks in Orlando. Seems to be slimming these days...
ya true .. i live like and hour away from Orlando and no one has one like anywhere.....but i do have to say a downside to having it is people touching it and even some douchebags actually grabbing it and fucking it up makes me soo pissed cause i dont spend an hour putting it up for them to fuck it up..ya know what i mean
ahh I hate when people hit my mohawk. Gentle is ok but they always hit it!


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