Mohawks Rock

I read a lot about the problems people have with their Mohawks and I am curious...What are some of the great things about having a Mohawk?

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ouch!! I have that happen at work and at my boyfriends house. Only, I get stuck on stock shelves or shelf extensions and signs. I'm just short enough where even when it was a foot long, I was still within normal height parameters.

I would kill to see your hawk in person, sans the branches haha
haha Trust me I snag it on branches walls door frames...even on other people. When my hawk was 20 inches it basically hit everything and everyone lol.
That was the fun stage. Growing it from scratch.
Ive done it with hats. Since my hair is so thick and heavy, I tend to only use hairspray *aqua net* to keep it up and knox gelatin if i decide to wear liberty spikes, and knox really, really doesn't move nicely. haha.

My hair just folds and might need a slight touching up after removing whatever hat... just like at my highschool graduation two years ago. haha
I've heard that, but generally I don't wear helmets. I need something to stand against Humidity and Wind at 18 inches. I am thinking about cutting it down though to about a foot maybe less.
The attention, standing out in a crowd. Its a great ice breaker when trying to meet girls. Its my trademark, also its such a unique look.
well.... i love to just sit around in class or something and just rub the sides of my head. feels like a blanket. haha and mohawks are one of the best hairstyles to go perfectly with dying products of any kind. and i also agree with inkedpenguin, everybody remembers the dude with the mohawk. ive saved so much trouble returning musical equipment to stores cause SOMEBODY would remember me. haha mohawks just so totally rock
Yeah, People always seem to remember me. But when my hair is down no one knows who I am lol
OMG! I was just rubbing my head as I read that! LOL!
Mohawks are awesome!
Ha ha Simple, yet, true
For about three years, I was working with Junior Highers through a city program for the City Of Irvine (California). It was funny how it would take most people moths to build a decent rapport with the kids where it only took days for me. They say the mohawk as a sort of rebellion against "adults", where they to were trying to express that same emotion. They almost instantly viewed me as a trustworthy friend/mentor, which I could then use to step in and hep them through the hormonally difficult time that is the Junior High years. I had it off and on for about 2.5 years, but was later told that "it was not perfessional" by high-ranking city officials. When I showed up the next week with a freshly shorn head, the kids were crushed, but I was told I could not tell them the true reason......lame.


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