Mohawks Rock

Lets talk.

I dont shower all the time, do you?

i dont brush my teeth all the time either.

how about shaving? not as much.. i do it when i expect someone to feel me. but other than that no..

what do you guys think? lets talk about it.


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imma big germaphobe, soooo yeah gotta shower at least once everyday brush teethe at least twice ,  i slack on flossing wish i didnt :/

cant leave the house without de-hoederant .

but yeah i like a clean girl - one who understands the consecuinces that can happen from small things like mild offense of not drinkin someones drink and shit .also i aint lickin nooo dirty vagaygay


oh yeah and the shave dthing i thinks best when a girl is just trimmed like clean but not gone the first time  u meet em cuase i dont want a girl to be expecting it ya know? but if u guys been enjoytin eachother sexually i say both go bald get some supah slick lube and have a fun slippery time^_^ i would

dammit boy, is all you think about sex?!!

Hahaha its a good train of thought... ;-P

You know women generally produce their own lubricant. Its quite good and cost effective.
my apartment includes utilitys, so I don't get charged for using water.
the tragedy is that the water is piping hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter, so it doesn't really matter.
I shave my neck with my head trimmers because neck-beards make you look like an obese kid who sits on 4chan all day.
I have odontophobia, which means I'm a big boy whos scared of the dentist T.T

Go to a nice dentist then ;P

dammit... fucking 4chan...

and neck beards.. fucking magnents...

fuck fuck

I think hygiene is very important, it keeps you healthy and you smell nice.

try living in the Florida heat, you never smell nice haha.

hygiene tip; put talcum powder on your feet before putting on socks so your feet don't sweat. I just learned that a few days ago. Life's never been the same... 

Florida humidity. FUCK it sucks.

Germ freak here.

Shower & wash hair everyday. No exceptions.

Brush my teeth when I wake up, before I go to bed, and after every meal.

Wash my hands a bit too often...

NEVER wear anything for two days in a row (PJ pants is the only exception).

Shave when I feel it's nasty looking...


I am clean. :D


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