Mohawks Rock

Ok.. I love my hawk, I LOVE IT!!!

But.. One thing that bothers me is that the fucking sides are so long they stick up.. and sometimes I don't know what hair is supposed to go up and what hair is supposed to go down.. It would be so much easier if it was shaved, I know, but that can't happen until I go to college next year.

But.. I was thinking.. should I cut it shorter? Here's a picture of the hair down, and the sides...


Please ignore my crappy lookingness. I just got out of the shower..

Like.. the sides are quite short until you get towards the hawk, then they're longer..

But like.. I know it would be 100x easier if I shaved the sides.. But I do work at hospitals and work with little kids over the summer.. so not a good idea..

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I honestly can't see theres any hawk there when it's down, it looks just like a regular short cut to me. I think you should atleast cut the hair closest to the hawk shorter so it's easier for you to see the hawk. You don't /have/ to cut the sides, you could just leave the hair that lenght, and let the hawk grow but trim the sides so they keep that lenght, if that made any sense. If you let it all grow as it is now, you won't be able to see what's hawk and what's not
No, I know what you mean, and yeah it's hard to see in that picture.. but it's not really noticeable even if you're looking right at it. The back is pretty easy to tell though haha.

But I might have my bf's mom make the sides a tad bit shorter so it's easier for me to do in the morning.
go number 3 and then if you work with kids split it down the middle
I dunno what a number 3 is?

And oh.. my supervisor will care, but not my boss, boss. She's like best friends with my dad and has known me since I was a little girl. She knows I'm out there. She won't mind, but my fat ass supervisor will. We have code names for her so we know when she's there, because all fun has to stop.. Icepack, salsa, the sea monster.
I agree with that one guy, you could split it down the middle to conceal it. But who knows, maybe your boss wouldn't mind the hawk. I worked with little kids and my boss didn't mind the hawk at all. I suppose that just depends on which area you live in (whether it is acceptable or not).


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