Mohawks Rock

I like jeans just as much as the next guy, but I live in Texas and it's DEATHLY hot. What are some cool things I could wear on my lower extremities?

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go naked.
Harem pants are pretty amazing. Batik lounger pants are as well.

Hands down, wrap pants and sarongs are possibly the best summer wear. At least, in Florida they are. They are really versatile, generally lightweight, and cheap. That, and they are really easy to make yourself. I swear that every person who lives somewhere hot needs at least one pair.
cut offs?
i usually just wear long shorts or skirts with leggings if i go out.. otherwise im sitting around in my hooker shorts...whooo
I used to live in Texas and I just wore shorts. Too boring?

Mmmmm love me a man in short shorts. 

Take deep breathes there, LenaBean... =)

Back on topic - well, how about lighter fabrics, like thin track suit bottoms? They're usually more baggy too so might keep you cooler. Cotton is meant to be cool or so I recall.
Shorts aren't punk rock?

I'm just trying to figure out why that's not the obvious answer.
Duck cloth?
i cant think of anything more breathable than a kilt, whats better than straight up free ballin with ventilation in summer


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