Mohawks Rock

I was just wondering if when you lost your virginity was it all you expected ? was it with the right person ? I'll start , I was 21 she was 22 , it was all over before I knew what I was doing , it was on my honey moon , I'll never forget it but I think she would like to lol

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interesting take on it from a female perspective :) also if a guy lies about his experience then they can both get themselves into trouble in so many ways/
i was 17 he was 18 it was with some scum fuck ass bag (there r no words i could say to show how much hate i have for this "guy") that had me crying for over 2 hours bc i wasnt ready and making me feel like shit till i caved in and let him fuck me for his "b-day gift", not to matchin he fucked me up so much by telling me i look like 1 was 12 years old and that he was embarsed to be seen with me bc of the way i looked but i was young and dumb and thought i was in love so i changed myself and got use to being that way the other guys with didnt help either so i ended up losing myself for a cupple years and now im back to my same old self bc of the best guy i could have ever met (rip DZA♥) and i will NEVER change for any1 again
I'm sorry to hear that you were subjected to such a guilt trip by what can only be described as an oxygen thief , no guy or female is ever worth changing for , I had a g/f once who would not kiss me in public and would not hold my hand just in case someone she new saw her , it certainly stings to know that in their eyes you are not good enough, it was a hard lesson to learn but like you I will never change to something I am not just to please someone else , I'm sorry Lauren if this topic has brought to the surface old painful memories it was not my intention .
there is no need to be sorry shit happens it dosent bother me anymore, he is never going to be a man he is alwasy going to be shit and nothing more, i posted it so that way other people would see it and wouldnt aloud it to happen to them and ever time i meet a virgain i alwasy tell them 2 wait until they r ready and ot to be talked into or guilted into something they dont want to do bc it can screw u up for sometime and its not jsut girls that it happens to it happens to guys as well girl/women can be fucking cunts and a half and guy/men can be dicks in half (i personaly think girls i worse then guys even tho i am 1)

other then that shit how have u been spook, i havent really been on for sometime
I'm doing allright at the moment :) still trying to come to terms with my latest attempt at a relationship , I have been seeing a beautiful Chinese woman for three years now and to cut a long story short she will be dead within a year :( lung cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes , not much anyone can do for her , on my last visit she was honest enough to tell me she knew she would not be allowed a visa to get into Australia , she was trying to prolong our relationship in the hope that I would marry her so I would look after her son when she goes :( if I were in the same situation I think I would do whatever it took to make sure my son was looked after , it leaves me in a very difficult situation :( I just hope that I can make the right descision , enough of my little complicated world , where have you been hiding ?
i think that is a pretty sad story mate, i feel for you, anyone got some advice for poor spook here?
don't feel sorry for me Seg I have had a good faithful 3 years from her and that is all I have ever asked for :) shit happens to a lot of people and I think it's just some payback for all my bad karma from my early days , I am trying to even the score .
im so sorry to hear that :( losing some1 like that hurts like crazy, i know there isnt anything i could say to make it better but i wish u the best of luck there is always some hope even in the worse of things, how old is her son if he is old enough he could prob get his own place bc my sis had a friend whos parents died and they would get money from the government and a apt bc they where under age but i believe they where about 17 or something like that

ive been working and refining my tattooing and in nj haven really had much time to myself
her son is 15 now and both still live in China , she has a sister living there so if worse comes to worse he will move in there , just from our talks and alone time we spend together I don't think she is the kinda who will fade away quietly , she does not want to see her family suffer , I have no doubt that she will take steps to ease her suffering when the time comes and I would be only too happy to help if needed , so have you got any tat designs we can look at yet Lauren ?
thats good that he would be able to live with his moms sis, that would prob be somewhat better bc he grew up around her, i hope things work out for the best, if u need some1 to talk to im here i may not be able to give advice but u can vent to me if u like

i have pics of a few i did ill put them on here when i ger a chance to
Still a virgin, and I'm 17. I have never thought that you should pressure the girl to have sex with you - It'll hapen when she'll want, and I can wait. ofcourse when I was 15, with my first girl we had oral and stuff, but still, I reafused to have sex with her, cause she was pretty drunk, and I didn't want to fuck up anything, I don't regret it, cause she left me and went to another guy who raped her, and now she's sorry.
i still have my virginity, im not sure that im proud of it though


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