Mohawks Rock

i figured people wearing the hawk would be more understanding and frienly.i am alredy having to battle society about my hair choice its funny i try to chat with people all the time but usually they say o new guy lets not talk to him were speacial its thats the case you aint no different from all those upper class asssholes who like to judge others well let me leave you with this iam not on this page for your approval i thought your web page would bee diferent / dont act like the rest of sociey

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no its after they said hanah montana was punk is the very minute punk died XD
This thread makes me LOL.
i think we should be honored that hanah montana is on our website..... just kiddin haha wat is this topsy turvy world?
i lol'd at the guy getting trolled non-stop.
Flamed, he is getting flamed, he is the troll.
So..... now that the trollercoaster is over.....

thread over nao?
Wow it seems this thread went down a viscious and hurtful rabbit hole.

Anyway Sorry to hear that people are being rude. There are just so many different types of people and backgrounds here that they are bound to clash. For some reason people who tend to frequent websites and forums regularly (don't know if that is spelled correctly) seem to have a god complex.

Though I understand your feelings about people with alternative hairstyles would be more understanding. And not many realise that their rude and abrasive behavior is what feeds the negative stereotype and pushes us back from people excepting that the 'hawk is just a hairstyle, and not a representation of our conduct.
That's the hypocrisy of it all. You're more likely to meet closeminded open people here than anywhere else.
People don't seem to be getting it...
You can't go ANYWHERE without finding assholes, thats life, mohawked or not, EVERYONE is an asshole at some point


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