Mohawks Rock

i wonder..those with killer mohawks and shaved sides. would u tattoo the side of your head.
what tattoo would u get and if you do have one , did it hurt?
i have 3 tattoos and i want a chest tattoo but as of late i have been thinking more and more about
getting a biohazard sign on the side of my head.

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There is a design I've been working on for me and my friends, (we call ourselves the Triumvirate) I would probably get that on both sides. I would love to get a head tattoo, but I've heard that it stops hair from growing there.

But I have heard that hair still grows normally. That is one of the few places I can see myself getting tired of being there.

I love tattoos I want one below my Adam's apple sooo bad, but its the whole "work" situation. I could see a lot of people not wanting to get massage by a big guy with a wicked neck tattoo.
I would pay extra for that. :)
Well, in a way I like designs on the sides and on my face (kinda obvious considering my current pic from a few weeks ago). =)

But I woudn't want to tattoo them in 'cause although I've stuck with the stripes on the sides half my life I still like the flexibility to try occasionally something different looking. Like I tried for the first time some vertical stripes instead.

The other thing about tattoos for me personally, is that I don't like the idea of it wrinkling as I "grow up" ;( I think the colour tattoos look better than black 'cause the black when faded doesn't look so good.
mmm well you know..(grins) we have things now a days that make us not wrinkle..AHHH the age of science.
Yeah, I'm semi-hopeful those things will be become widespread and cheaper! :D Perhaps by the time most folk here get wrinkles the problem will be solved by science (hopefully without other side-effects).
ohhmygosh. lol i was actually really wanting a biohazard symbol on the side of my head....

i really want it in UV ink though.
but my artist doesnt trust UV ink at all soo... i dunno if i will get it done
no wayyy thats sweet in uv
i can defiantly see myself tattoing the side of my head, but i don't plan to any time soon, not till at least i have a really steady job haha. if a mohawk isent hard enough to find a really good job now, having a tattoo on it isent gonna help much.
hell yea...i got a shitload of ink including neck ink. currently ima long hair but when i get a hawk...fuckn gettin side of head inked. My bro has a hawk an has on back of his head FUCK with FU on one side of hawk an CK on the other

I would get a scopian on side of head an maybe a FTW symbol or anti christ. I got a spidar an scopion on neck
Oh iI will def tatt my dome, don't really know what yet. Thinking of going celtic/pict, cuz I'm a proud scot. Picts tatted their whole bodies. beautiful simple designs.
i want to pretty bad. I heard it hurts like hell though! one of the worst spots to get a tattoo pain wise. I know a guy who has the aquanet logo tattooed on the side of his head. I am not sure what I want yet but it will most likely be really stupid (I love stupid tattoos)
A friend of mine Mal, who runs a record company, has celtic bands that go from the sides of his head round his neck and meet up, like a crown or reef.


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