Mohawks Rock

What FIVE things would you fockin love t'do right now
I'm making it FIVE so it's harder to choose

in no particular order, mine are:

1. Have banging, angry, loud sex that smashes up my room
2. Curb Gordon Brown
3. Sprout angel wings and just fly away
4. Turn the sun back on
5. Learn to wank AND write these things simultaneously WITHOUT all the mess and typos

I'd prefferably like to amalgomate all five of mine into one fun-filled activity aswell, that way i'd have four more options left over =] ..

there ya go,

this is a good way t'learn about other people

dont comment on my top five unless you have to, just accept that there's no hope for me xD

... GO!


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I think I have a new 5 things.

I want to never be tired, but to sleep whenever I want to.
I want my own record shop/abandoned factory to turn into a good venue
Never have to shave again - naturally. Not laser surgery. Unless someone else pays for it.
Robotic Knees (well. maybe not robotic, but (mine are beginning to deteriorate on top of a pre existing condition)
Open my own aquaculture/fisheries facility through government grants. (would never have to work traditional retail again!)
Love the sleep idea.

About the fish....

OMG no you don't! Fish are awful little beasties that are suicidal by nature.

I should know, I am in charge of the welfare of over 1,000 and it's wretched.

They give me more of a run for my money than my flock of birds and ecape-artist snakes do any day! Little finned monsters, that's what they are. Except for my betta. He's hardly a bother.
haha! awwww

I went to school specifically to learn the trade. nets will be your friend (tilapia are jumpers by nature) -- however, if the water quality is bad, then they'll find a way out regardless. I've seen a mass exodus of fish once. Ick. (and I've seen the damage a broken titanium heater can do to two 600 gallon culture tanks full of catfish - happened on a friday night, discovered very early monday morning - and all the fish that I found later that month stuck in the filtration, dead of course, ewwwwwwww!)

It's really relaxing, to be honest. And if you're a creative control freak, it's perfect.
I can make a fish tank out of almost anything you put in front of me (including filtration systems. Had some creative ones done back in the day =P)
But I love playing in water.

The worlds best escape artist that I've ever had to work with are as follows:

1. Octopus <-- i have massive respect for these guys. Love them to death.
2. Crabs (crafty little buggers, really)
3. Macaws
4. Snails
5. Python

just in an average weeks work at the aquarium. hahaha
The pythons are most certainly one out by milksnakes(NOT to be mistaken for coral snakes! If red touches yellow, you're a dead fellow!). I've had ONE escape TWICE!!!

Oh, they're well taken care of. I monitor and perform upkeep on them about 8 hours a day and others keep track of the basics round the clock.

I'd much prefer saltwater aquariums. You really get much more satisfaction out of them. My cousin had 6 in Chicago. =D

You forgot starfish in your list of escapees, lol!

It's sounds like you've spent alot of time with animals. I think we'd get on well if we were ever to meet.
Mohawk Barbecue, like you've said!
hahahah the sea stars were pretty good, to be honest.

Saltwaters are just a pain sometimes, ya know? I always hated cleaning up evaporated/splashed water - the salt deposits were obnoxious.
However, that won't stop me from having them! :-) Really want some lionfish. mmm

I went to school to work with animals, actually, haha. So I've worked with mice to horses and just about everything inbetween.
Just specifially things that belong in tanks (reptiles, fish, even plants). haha. Large animals are fun, and I definitely want to keep them, but I enjoy playing god a little too much sometimes ;-)
Of course. All work. You know. Piglets are cute, even with wolfteeth. Only barn animals I get to see as of late are the mall rats. eww

I want a skunk. They're just like a big, stinky cat. hahah
baha. i pity the few who dont ;-)
the shaving bit?

it's innocent. hahah
my hair grows too fast for my liking on the sides.
1. Eat some motherfucking butter and garlic chicken wings. Not having any money to buy actual food with has made me hungrier than sin.
2. Get my bridge pierced.
3. Figure out how to get out of band on Thursday to go to Cedar Point...when my parents are out of town and therefore incapable of calling me in sick...and the director knows it.
4. Be finished with my jacket.
5. Have a bitchin road trip.
1. Wake N Bake
2. Smoke More Weed
3. Smoke More Weed
4. Smoke More Weed
5. Smoke More Weed And Then Go To Bed

Then do it all over again!!!
1 fuck for as long and as hard as possible and see stars when i cum
2 own a house
3 live "happily ever after" with my dreams coming true
4 have my dog back
5 have a job/be good at something, anything
1: never started smoking
2: lived some where where the drinking age isn't 21
3: beat lauren gomez's face in with a pipe
4: i want my rats back
5: rum!


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