Mohawks Rock


So, i was in a bar last week, and my guy friend was chatting to me. When i left him, his friend came up to him and says:

'Yea, she's hot, but good luck, she's a lesbian'. My friend says back 'What, Bam? The one I work with who got dumped by her BOYFRIEND?'. 'Oh' the guy says.

I am in NO WAY homophobic, AT ALL. However the fact that I have my hair short, a various amount of people make that fucking judgement call without even knowing me, and ASSUME that I am a lesbian. It really does grind my gears that half the population assume that the stereotypical lesbian has to have short, spikey hair, so think when they do see a women with short hair, she's gay.
It is so stupid that people judge someones whole sexuality, just by looking at their HAIRSTYLE. what is this world coming too?!

I don't know if any of you girls get this too, just because you have a mohawk, short spikey hair, or dress against fashion. Is it just me?

Take it easy xxx :)

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i know a lot of people have that happen to them. but i've got to say, i've never experienced it. and i dress really un-feminine most of the time too. i dunno.

but i do know what you mean. i hate how people make judgements based on one thing about someone's appearance.
people used to think that i was a lesbian before i got my hawk just because i wore baggy clothes. i had long hair then and people would ask my friends if i was a dyke. then i got a Chelsea and well more people started thinking i was gay one of my friends even told me one of his friends said i looked like a boy and by this time i was dressing more feminine. i don't really wear baggy clothes now and since i got my hawk i haven't heard anything about me being gay or looking like a guy. but just cuz i haven't heard anything doesn't mean people don't think i'm a lesbian, apparently people are scared of me so if that's the case i'm sure they wouldn't be saying stuff.
i get that shit all the time.
this world is pretty fucked in the head and its really annoying.
I think this happens to all of us but oh least were the ones with mohawks!!!! :)
all the damn time, i HATE IT!!!! geez!
doesn't happen to me as much as it used to....
but i still think it's fuckin' stupid that people are ignorant to think short hair on girl=lesbian. yet a guy can have long hair and everyone will love him...hmmm...idk..people are stupid. i don't even understand how hair and gender has anything to do with anything!
Hairstyles usually go in and out of fashion but some just stay popular. Among dykes the mohawk is seldom out of fashion, hence why it gets taken for a dyke haircut. That said, mohawks are going through a strong vogue right now within the London trans community, half of us have gone and gotten mohawks. It hasn't gone unnoticed either.
well, i do get that a lot, but i am gay... but i was bi for a while, i decided to give up on guys tho for a couple of reasons, their kinda ignorant when it comes to relationship stuff (some, def. not all) and guys dont even look at me like that anymore... i have a regular mohawk, no extra hair on the sides or nething like that... but it does get frustrating when guys assume that... i went out with my buddy n his gf (who is bi and told me she wanted to hook up w me) and he didnt know i was completley gay or even bi for that matter, and i told him i was gonna go get some cigs from the gas station, n she wanted to come with... he got pissed and im not kidding (and i quote this) "im not letting you go with her, i dont trust her with you alone, just give her your money"...ok, just cuz i have a mohawk doesnt mean im gay and just cuz im gay doesnt mean i want to fuck every girl i see
when i wear pants, people think i'm a gay guy. when i wear skirts, people think i'm a straight girl. i assume other girls with 'hawks are bi or lez, but for some reason i dont give off that vibe.
it kinda sucks, considering i'm into chicks.


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