Mohawks Rock

nuke the fauxhawks!!!


nuke the fauxhawks!!!

a group for people like myself that can't stand fauxhawks; either cut the damn hawk or go g.q. already

Location: everywhere fauxhawks are found
Members: 28
Latest Activity: Jul 3, 2012

Discussion Forum

nuke the spamhawks 3 Replies

what the fuck is with all the euro/asian porn spam lately? this is fuckin bullshit, why the hell are these people even able to make a profile here? if i wanted this shit i'd be rockin some 8th grade…Continue

Started by mohawkman. Last reply by §̸̧̰̥̖̮́ͥ̋͢♅ͨ☭ͤ̾̃0░இ5ঊ◍6๑≴4থ⅋§ Nov 30, 2010.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Brian "B Rotten' on July 10, 2011 at 9:14am
I recall when I first got my Mo'Hawk as I was just getting into the whole punk aspect. This kid tells me how I look stupid as hell but I could only give the finger and let the tool be on his way but I kid you not a few days later he comes to school with a Fauxhawk. How is this asshole gonna tell me I look like an ass for shaving my head into a Mo'Hawk and try to get his own the following few days, I say fuck that noise. I know being Punk isn't all Mo'Hawks it's the music, the attitude and the mindset but I for one feel offended when I see a Fauxhawk.
Comment by The Dreaded String. on June 18, 2010 at 1:12am
I hate when I hear people talking about their mohawks, to turn around and see them with a fauxhawk. Worst thing ever.
Comment by ZachAttack on April 3, 2010 at 12:00am
2 mohawkman
I agree. People should either go all out and get a real hawk or just cut it off because you are embarassing the rest of us who have REAL mohawks. There was this one kid at this party I just got back from and he had a "fag-hawk" (I call them fag hawks) and all I wanted to to was take two razors and go "BUZZ" down the two sides of his scalp. UGH!!!!
Comment by Claytonius "XyzBoBz" Maximus on March 18, 2010 at 9:43am
i must admit that ive had longer sides coz i hav2 have my hair down at work.. but i just got the clippers into em last night :P so now i hav a propper mohawk!! WOOOO000!
Comment by mohawkman on January 9, 2010 at 10:05pm
i am sick to death of people that think they have a 'hawk, when all they have is too much fear of what their mommys think.They all deserve a slap i think

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