Mohawks Rock

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  • United States
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SickOfSociety's Discussions

6 Replies

 Any fellow insomniacs get a lot of stuff done during those nights that you just cant sleep. That's when I usually cut my hair or make my jackets. Anyone else do this? If so post a picture of what…Continue

Tags: mohawk, diy, jacket, insomniac, insomnia

Started this discussion. Last reply by FullMetalFetus Jan 11, 2012.

Keeping the hawk out of your eyes when it's down?
9 Replies

 I'm getting another hawk this summer. I'm aiming for it to be around 5 inches. I really enjoy running, so I'd need to put it up. I have no idea how to successfully keep the hair out of my eyes. Does…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by CorpseQueen Dec 20, 2011.

How do you find the bands you like?
39 Replies

  I was just wondering, because I find my music by going on youtube and just clicking on a bunch of random bands. Or I go to google to look at band lists in certain genre's. Anyone else do this? If…Continue

Tags: Music

Started this discussion. Last reply by Klara Sep 24, 2011.

What got you into Punk?
62 Replies

 How in the world did you end up the way you are? Is it in your blood? Sick of being like everyone else?  I was always into punk. My first C.D I ever got, at the age of four, was Punk Rock Is Your…Continue

Tags: childhood, Punk, style, Music

Started this discussion. Last reply by Walk South Nov 29, 2011.

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Profile Information

Mohawk Status:
Rocked in the past, Thinking about rocking it sometime, Just like watching others rock them
Relationship Status:
About Me:
I'm a fucked up kid. I'm only a teen, bummer, I feel A LOT older then I really am. I love wearing my hawk, it' too long now though. Thinkin of going all out on it this summer. I'm so excited.
I love to draw. Whether it's a doodle of little skulls with sharpies on my binder or drawing self portraits, or still life with charcoal. I hope to become a tattoo artist once I get out of my parent's house. So, until then I'm going to fuck around and have fun.
I play guitar, started in September or 2010 and just picked up bass. I've got myself a sexy ass ibanez!
I've always had punk in me. I hated being in a group, or being thrown into a group of people, by people who knew nothing about me. I started with The Misfits and then it slowly grew. Got my hawk in August of 2010. It's grown out right now, but I'll get it again one day.
Tell me what to do, I'll tell you right back. I follow no one, and pretty much listen to no one. My friends respect that. I'm known as the goof of the group and the one with the most creative, detailed ideas. I'm fine with that.
I believe that sleep is for the dead. I will sit at night and be spontaneous. Sometimes I try to skateboard, others I just sit and draw the craziest things. I live like I'll die the next day.
How Tall Are You With and Without the Mohawk:
Tall with out: 5 feet
Tall with: 5 foot 9

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Comment Wall (17 comments)

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At 9:43pm on December 25, 2011, Patches said…

Merry Christmas Sicko

At 3:37pm on November 24, 2011, Patches said…
Happy Thanksgiving :)
At 2:56am on November 22, 2011, Patches said…
I understand your veiws however I feel that trying to fix the world is a task that not one single being can do. Rather, I feel that we should do our best to learn not only from our faults but others as well so that we can positively affect those around us and lead a generally better life. Basically why bother with the world and spread ourselves thin when we can focus on a more attainable goal, you know "Rome wasn't built in a day" and so forth :)
At 11:55am on November 20, 2011, Patches said…
I am sorry to hear that, I normally try to never hear bad news. It keeps me oblivious to what is going on in the world. I suppose you would call that selective hearing but I like to believe nothing bad ever happens lol ;)
At 9:08pm on November 15, 2011, Patches said…
Not bad got promoted and still making less than I cold have everyone imagined so pretty good lol anything interesting while I was away?
At 2:05pm on November 7, 2011, Patches said…
hey there Sicko Been a few months How have you been?
At 11:15pm on August 16, 2011, Raquel ;3 said…
Loool. I've never even heard of it(:
At 10:38pm on August 10, 2011, Raquel ;3 said…
ohhey I like yours too!!! Ugh, yeah thats cause Ohio sucks. what part do you live in?o:
At 4:43pm on July 6, 2011, Somber said…
At 10:43pm on February 27, 2011, Spiky Headed Bastard said…
haha Thank you! I dig your hawk by the way.

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