Mohawks Rock

So I want to ask people here whether they consider themselves a nerd or a geek? I consider myself a geek and not a nerd.

Here are my definitions for the two.

Geek: is an individual who tends to be enthusiastic or Over enthusiastic about a certain aspect of Pop Culture. Usually pertaining to Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Comics Etc.

Nerd: Is an individual that is enthusiastic or Over enthusiastic about science, technology, mathmatics or any other for of science.

In short. Geek: a plethora of knowledge which some may consider useless
Nerd: a plethora of knowledge which can be useful.

What are you thoughts on this?

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im definately a geek. oh man i love me some fantasy books lol
I'ma geek, comics for the win
Awesome what do you read and who are your faves?
Jthm. the abandoned, and wet moon are my favorite.
I used to read alot of manga too. what about you?
Do you think that these are good descriptions of the two? Agree or disagree?
I have a similar definition, although both words are interchangeable. I think being labelled a geek seems to have less negative connotations than nerd as we are now more reliant on technology.

Computer enthusiasts tend to be labelled geeks more than nerd, but many of them have an interest in science too. Hence nerd still applies.

I'm both geek and nerd. I love my technology (I had so many gadgets on my belt one time that I told my geek friends that I felt like Batman), but I'm also very into my sci-fi, fantasy, anime and my specialty - games. Been playing computer games for over 23 years now.
I never got into them, but I have several friends that still collect and play.

I loved their attention to detail.
I'd consider myself a Nerk. A portmanteau of Nerd and Geek. Nerk.

I'm such a Nerd, in that I have such a heavy desire in my search for knowledge.
And I just love sci-fi so much, that even my philosophical beliefs have been influenced by my Geekdom.
Seems like I overlap on both labels but more so on Nerd than Geek using your definitions above. In that, I like Fantasy, Sci-Fi, but not so much Comics, never really got into them. More a book person, so that leads nicely into Nerd, with my interest in science and technology, but not so much maths.

Plus, I'm computer programmer by hobby first and trade later, so that 'level ups' me nerdiness. heh heh
thats a tough one, im not that geeky or nerdy, unless its about certain things. When it comes to movies I am the biggest geek. I can go on for hours about horror movies and cloverfield. Cloverfield is my favorite movie. I knoe everything about it that was never even seen or talked abou in the movie. Also am a geek for silent hill the video games, but thats pretty much it.

Im a nerd when it comes to science. I love talking about space, paradoxs, worm holes, and everything like that pretty much.
A geek in that I read far too much Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror, but more a Nerd in that I'm a math and science fan with far too much knowledge of computers (hardware mostly if you really want to make the distinction).

BTW: I'm reviving old threads like it's going outta style. lol
heh, I like your definitions, but I would reverse them, I guess I've always used geek for computers and nerd for sci-fi fantasy, so I've always considered myself a nerd... but by your definition it would be geek. I'm artsy I suck at math :P


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