Mohawks Rock

Ok, before I start let me say I'm not a nazi, and I don't claim to be a punk.

I'm just wondering why punks hate nazis as much as they do. I mean the majority of society does, but it's like punks take it to a whole different level. What I was thinking was that they hate them because they are racist and hate on other people. But it's kind of hypocritical, because some of the people on this site show the same hatred to nazis and such as the nazis would show to people. Idk I was just thinking about it and thought I would ask.

Again I'm not taking anyones side, I'm just curious.

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I am constantly reminded of human stupidity. Wake the fuck up! Ingnore them thats the answer. You have the right not only to speak but also to be spoken to. As nazis go around spreading their words of hate and racism it is our right to speak up against them rather than just ignore them and hope they go away. You asked how i would feel if i was just sitting there and someone called me scum, well, i guess i would feel the same as every person who has recieved racial slurs or words of hate from a nazi. nazis attack people with words and weapons for what they cannot change it was a persons choice to accept nazi views and act upon them. Nazis choose to be nazis. And it is because of that choice that people fight against their views and actions. I do not fight nazis with censorship and i have a belief in anarchy (though i have yet to see a real anarchist here just mindless shits who know how to use wikipedia) and i have always stood against all forms of censorship. Do not censor nazis let them speak and shout and march and i will be there speaking agaisnt them shouting against them and marching against them. Wherever they speak including the internet i will speak against them that is my right.
I suppose i should answer the original question on why punks hate nazis. It actually has little (if anything) to do with anarchy. Punk is a sub-culture which relies heavily on self reliance and personal freedoms. Now anything in opposition to those views(nazis, corrupt government, capitalism, etc.) is naturally an enemy to punk views. Nazis are hated even more so because they attempt to use punk to spread their views. Nazis dress like punks then preach racism. Because of this skinheads are associated with nazis by the general public. And why many people consider punks to have nazi views. I have been called a nazi countless times because of my appearance although my views are far from nazis. nazis disgrace punks and take away from their unity and voice. Punks will fight for their culture and their views. They wont let some nazi scum distort their words of independence and freedom to mean racism and death.
Thanks for all the replys everyone.
well since everyone has the same beleif that punks hate nazis because they beleive in uniform and fascism while punks like us say fuck everything i do wat i want to. well its not only the punks that hate on nazis the nazis hate on us just as much heres an example. i live in a small neighborhood in redneck central aka kentucky and in my town there are some skins and if you are anything close to a punk they start shit. ive been jumped by 3 of them before and had the living shit kicked out of me. and thats the reason why i hate skins and i am pretty sure that its justifiable
ah yes i see what ya sayin and i dont get it either alot of my cousins are skinheads but you dont see them attacking punks for no reason. hmm idk but when communism or blackies take over we are goin to hafta band together either way so we might as well get along now while we can because there not enough of either of us to take down the opposition
Slipping into a rage filled coma.... Can't believe whats been posted.... Slipping... Slpiing....ssslppinggggg........... GONE
haha ...yea... the evil conspiracy theorist has struck again
Well, I don't really want to read all of the comments right now, so I'm gonna say from expirence that Josh is probably right. And, I don't know if anyone has brought it, but I'll say it anyways, THIS MACHINE KILLS FACISTS! Its not just about racism, its also they're beliefs (especially those about turning everyone but the "Father" into fucking sheep aka all the people but the leader are shit).
xD "Josh is probably right"
yeah he's talked to me before lol i do love a good civil debate as long as it stays civil. btw i replied to one of your earlier responses i'm afraid it's a bit of an essay lol if you see anything wrong with it just let me know.
i think ive debated you bout my political beliefs before sorry that was random lol
Josh I will no longer have internet after the end of this month but feel free to email ( me and i will respond via my phone i wish to discuss and debate with you on a number of topics as you are the only person ive met who realizes that books are good and that people should read them and learn to develope their own opinion and then defend it


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