Mohawks Rock

When y'all go to fast food places, does anyone take cups / fries and stuff out of the trash? Hell, in 5 seconds a dollar chicken sandwich becomes a value meal.

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Never done that but waay back in high school I'd pick out perfectly good food people don't want cuz their mommies packed a balanced lunch and applesauce or sandwiches aren't their favorite. Come on now, don't go tossing out perfectly fine food.

Like my friend drunkenly cried about, "People in Ethiopia are starving! And I'm just chillin here drunk!"
I think I grew up as a picky eater - like not liking seeds in tomato's - or forgetting to eat my packed lunch completely (that I think actually stunted my growth! heh heh). But I don't think I ever threw away food or left it anywhere and usually always ate it as soon as I realised when I got home. =)

Luckily I've got rid of most of that now and in fact I hated leaving anything on the plate when out for a work lunch (even when I wasn't paying I hate seeing food go to waste, if it's edible.). I guess we get too much food though now, it's almost too convienent and no thought really needed about going hungry when you can shove something in the microwave and in 5 mins it's ready.
can't say i've done that, but my friends and i used to grab food from behind bakeries and stuff... when they throw out huge bags of "stale" buns and stuff.... such a waste of food! so we'd just get a whole bunch, put some in the freezer so they dont go bad, and put the rest back for anyone else who might actually really need the food. *thumbs up*
Two days ago at BK, I scored fries, onion rings and a bigass drink : ) yay not having money!!
haha in my town i go into a bk or wendys or something ask for a cup so i can get some water fromt he fountain and bam free pop
that's so cute! oldest trujo in la book. Besides myself, of course.
I actually got busted doing that last week at Del Taco. As if it wasn't bad enough my sister and I were splitting a $2 breakfiesta. They pushed a button behind the counter that shut off the soda so I got tea instead. And "Violetta" told me the water cups were for water only, not soda and tea.
Never been tempted to try this - but then our fast food places don't usually have the bins out front and the back is between shop fronts so no easy access.

I'm always one to get the reduced near sell-by-date stuff though - saves a bundle if you get used to the days and times when they mark down things at supermarkets.


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