Mohawks Rock

i might move there, i need some positive or negative reviews. dont wanna spend a fuckload of money for nothing

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rife with boneheads and politcal unrest, bu all in all reasonably good place lol except for the poitical climate
I live very near to Germany and have plenty of German friends.
It's a big country and it would be impossible to compare a place like Berlin to Bavaria, so I can't really tell you much about it, but generally speaking it's quite a nice place to live. Yes, there can be a bit of political unrest sometimes, but it's usually nothing big so don't worry about that. The government takes good care of it's people, so that's positive. And if it turns out you don't like Germany you could allways move to another country in Europe.
do they all speak german. cuz all i know is shit like "wie heist du? ich heisse felix" or "in meiner freizeit ich fahre BMX Rad" and that doesnt help me much if im in a cuh-nun-drum.
It would be advisable to learn German, but a lot of people do speak a bit of English so you'll manage.
If you have the money it's allways an option to do a short course, just to learn the basics.
the ice creams nice =)
pfft prove it
go to germany n u can prove it yerself

hah the wines cheap n niiice aswell
I have to disagree with you, but it's a matter of taste.
nothing wrong with germans or germany as a whole , I lived in Paderbourne and at the Ramstein army base , going to school there was a different kettle of fish alltogether , if you can avoid the white power groups then you will do ok :) oh and German chicks go off ;)
Germany's a nice place to visit...If you're a nazi. Felix...Are you a nazi? Well I certaintly hope not. And that is all I have to say on this subject.

Good day.
Are you being an idiot just to provoke or are you really that stupid?
Either way it's sad.


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