Mohawks Rock

not a fight, not a "whos better" simply comparison.

ALSO! this is not only about their clothes, i simply wanna talk about differances and what not between East coast and West coast punks

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I assume this is in america?
Yeah, I think I can confirm this with out being an elitest asshole :-(


On the flip side. I have one of each. However, where I live, its been pointed out that I'm one of the only kids who doesn't wear a leather jacket (if I did, it would be some sweet ass WHITE leather!).
Well, I live in NYC, more people around here wear leather jackets than denim.

When I was in North Carolina, I only saw one punk, and he was shirtless...
NYC is maybe thats why. Leather is more heavy duty.
In Fl I never see anyone (unless it the 2 months of Winter we get) wearing leather OR denim...
Even in the winter most people just have thicker cotton jackets.
I think the more effective comparison would be east coast and west coast, in all honesty.
The east coast west coast would be better. I live in missouri so I'm stuck in the middle. But I do live in a "southern town" I guess. Me and two of my friends are the only punks here, We dont wear either leather or denim. I have only seen a couple punks in missouri, but then again I dont get around a lot.
I dated a west coast punk. once.
never, ever again.

Nice kid, but once he got going on california and shit... it was absolutely rediculous.
Im from the west coast, I moved to missouri about 8 years ago, so I dont count as a west coast punk. But I am going back soon after I get out of school. 20 days!
Mid-west punks! more honest, less image based. I find that the coasts are (for the most part) more cultured and more accepting, not so here. In bum-fuck redneck land there's nothing to hold onto. If you can be yourself here and go against the grain here you can do it anywhere.
No, you are completely right (to your second post). It's a different culture. The coasts tend to be more liberal than the inside counterparts, and are the mecca of "forward" living and thought.

So, if I moved to OK with my family this fall, I would suffer massive CULTURE SHOCK. I've lived on a coast for 10, almost 11 years now. Not saying I can't cope, but having to deal with that, switching colleges, finding a new job (since my company isn't out in OK yet as far as they say) and possibly having to leave Mr. Khaos out here is a bit much all at once. Rawr.


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