Mohawks Rock

ok so me and this girl have been going out for a while now and she been acting all weird and it is scary if she calls me and i don't ancer she will blow my phone up yesterday i didn't ancer cuz i was busy and i had over 50 missed calls from her with in a hour and she just is acting hella weird now but i don't know what to do i am think about braking up with her but i dont want her to do some crazy shit

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She's crazy and you can't string her along. So maybe she'll get the hint if you don't answer? Maybe she'll do something crazy? Best of luck.....
I would talk to her and see why she needed to call you so much and that you are feeling a little uncomfortable with whats going on. Just talk it out with her, if she flips out at you, you might have to break up with her. You can't do anything if she does anything crazy.
leave as quick as you can bro, i've been through the same thing, and trust me you don't want it to last any longer than it has to.
but this really only applies if she was freaking out over nothing.
Yeah the LEAST thing you should do is to talk to her, maybe it's important, who knows?
It's kinda hard to get the whole picture when you type like that, but how long have you been going out, do you even know her like, really /know/ her?
Start out by asking her why she called you that many times, and kindly explain to her how you feel about it. Personally, I'd say that it worries me when she does that is it's not some emergency or really important, and explain that maybe 2 or 3 times is enough, since you'll see her missed calls as soon as you find your phone again/get the time to check it. Best of lucks with it
wow you have your very own crazy bitch stalker , I've allways wanted one of them :) seriously though talking is the only way you are going to solve this , you have to let her know she creep's you out when she call's that many times , if she can't talk about it without going into a hissy fit then hire a body guard or finish it with her , do not try and prolong the inevitable or you will be sorry .
My ex was like that... It'll end inevitably. When I saw she blew your phone up I thought literally made it explode.. and I thought ancer was a misspelling of dance...
Good luck!
I might not be hip... but "Blow up your phone" ... meaning ... she won't leave you alone? For no reason?

Did she tell you why she called so much? Girls who are obsessive, possessive, and paranoid are like that. Run, don't look back. Make sure you tell her why it bugs you and all that... maybe she'll get it and learn a lesson or two.

but if it were an emergency, I think i would understand a few calls and maybe a voice message or two.
Do you type with your chin?
Way to go man.

I think my boyfriend had a phrase for girls like that..."Bunny boilers"
his ex was like that.
little matt you have just saved yourself from a whole heap of trouble by thinking clearly and finishing thing's with her , I've said it before when choosing a g/f use your head and when choosing a job use your heart :)


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