Mohawks Rock

MCR is now trying to be somewhat punk if i do say so myself its dreadfull! when i listend to it, it literly made me sick

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All I can say is good for them. x.x

Makes no difference to me, I honestly am not going to go out of my way to listen to it, ya know?
yes, I do know! xD
i don't like the music very much, but iv got a lot of respect for MCR.
not many bands can get into main stream, and still mkae the music they wanna make and be who they wanna be. a lot of record labels are scared to see bands change there image/sound at a sound of a heart beat, but MCR have and koodles to them for being able to do that.
I still love MCR, I have a soft spot for the older stuff. The new stuff just doesn't seem to be my cup of tea, and a good deal of the fans they have I wouldn't mind roughing up a bit, but I still like them as a band.
Its kinda like the Green Day thing. They had reallly great music in the beginning, then the fans grew and they kinda shaped themselves to meet what their fans expectations. I still quite like both, but not everything that comes from them is amazing.
that was terrible
Checkity check it yo. I think this explains a good bit and makes some sense.
it got deleted. Whats the link?
everyone hates it because its MCR, im not a fan bu fuck guys, they were told to do a cover that sounds punk! they arent trying to be shit.
i still dont understand why they dont get a punk band to do it though.........
-I think they might be doing a reverse. If you've noticed a lot of alternative bands used to be some kind of punk like AFI


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