Mohawks Rock

I read a lot about the problems people have with their Mohawks and I am curious...What are some of the great things about having a Mohawk?

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I would like to see some pictures of that!
mohawks are dead sexy, nuff said
Ha Ha. I agree! I do think some women pull off a mighty fine Mohawk!
mohawk = epic win
what about darts?
darts count in there too, darts are the same family, like spiders and scorpions
Epic Win!
Well... having a mohawk, you'll never need to do the "golf test" to see which way the wind is blowing and how fast.

Also, if you're short, and you have bright hair, it makes it easier for friends and family to find you in a crowd/store

Guys dig it. Girls dig it. You can often make people wish they had the balls to just shave their heads and do it.
People go to you for advice on how to dye or style hair...even if you don't know shit.
You can experiment with different food products and household goods and find out which ones have the best properties to hold your hair upright. And maybe find out other uses in the process.

Even if it's all ratty after being up for a few days or weeks, people still think it looks amazing.
You can dye awesome patterns or prints into the side of your head - and get away with it when your hair is down (pending length of your hair).
You find out how many different ways you can contort yourself to get into a doorway, car, space at work, under a desk, putting up your hair, etc.
Ha ha car is the worst for me. I have to slide in and out and practically do a back bend.
I did too, until I cut a foot off in October. Find yourself shutting your hair in the door a lot?
Not so much as getting snagged by branches lol


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