Mohawks Rock

I'm new to this site, but my girl friend has been on here for a while (shes the only "Alexis"), but I thought this might be a cool first post. And since I've got to do a research paper for my English class in high school, I might as well see if you guys have any better ideas than I do. Let 'er rip and have some fun with this one, but i might end up taking some of your considerations to heart.

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I did one on the punk subculture for sociology and how it the music and venues evolved with it's growth. I was proud of it, but it got lost when my college moved campuses and all of that.
So, it is possible! haha, and you could end up doing what I did ^^^^^

What kind of a research paper are you doing? Sometimes it's easier to come up with ideas if you have some sort of focus.
Yeah, so far I'm doing it on "The History And Culture Of Punk Rock." I'm pretty sure I can do that :P. Plus my teacher has some of the same ideology I do, so she'll understand. The weird thing is that I have to have book sources to cite, so I had to check out a small yellow book entitled "The History Of Punk Rock" with a picture of the Ramones on the front, and written by someone who doesn't understand. Kinda ironic.
I actually had to do a lot of digging... and I admit for support on certain points I had to use the Wiki.
BUT!!! The benefit of that is it links out to other sites, as long as that author cited their entry correctly.
Yeah, but the worst part is that I know almost everything thats gonna be in these books. Yet, I still have to have at least 5 book sources, and.... 100 friggin' note cards! How the hell am I supost to do that if I already know the info I'm reaserching?! Thats the the part that really gets me...
haha, ya just got to write every thing down!

I hated the note card requirements.
Know why? Your paper shouldn't be a huge pile of citations. It should be the evolution confirmation of an idea (your thesis) using citations as support, not adding six or seven words between the already written or known facts, and writing your paper through someone elses words.
The way I perceived us learning how to write these papers is sooo messed up. My teachers would get pissy if we didn't have like 15 or 20 quotations (on top of paraphrasing and other citations) in a 5 page paper. No joke..
just talk about the different kind of punks (anarchy and peace anarchy and chaos ,skinheads,etc)thats what i did and it worked i had a A yeah described the montreal exploited riot a lot too and it worked and just speak wite your heart
my sister did a paper about a year ago about the growth of punk music and its cultural growth. she said she loved doing it.

umm if you could find some books off a torrent site or something im sure thatll pass unless your English teacher makes you bring them in?
Nah, man. I don't have to bring anything in, but I'm not allowed to use internet sources. Just books, videos, and interviews. Needless to say, thats more than enough stuff right there, but I have to take notes of it all (read above reply), so I can't use ONLY the things I know, but I actually have to find some people who SAID what I know so I can quote them. It sucks.
ah i see, but if u don't have to bring anything in, you can always use a torrent site to download movies/books and cite them like the real thing, only difference is ur watching it on your computer, but because u dont have to bring anything in, your teacher dosn't need to know.

anyways i forgot about some movies that may help you some:
-punk attitude
-UKDK- a film about punks and skinheads
-American Hardcore: The History of American Punk Rock
-the punk rock movie(i have never seen this one)

the three first ones are great great punk documentary's and gives u a feel on how it was when it first really started up.

if you dont want to go behind your teachers back/don't know how to use torrents and such or cant be bothers, you can look for thous on VHS, but i know u can find UKDK, American hardcore and punk attitude all on the internet.

btw im hoping this isn't against the rules of the site taking about what i am(torrents and such) so if its is can someone please tell me so i can stop doing it lol?
Hell yeah, dude, like I'm planning on going to a library? If i walked in there they think it was to burn the fucking place down. And I souldn't be on this site if I'm afraid of "going behind my teachers back," but thanks for the documentaries. Ive heard of a few, and seen A LOT more, but i'll prolly watch those to. Hey, knowlage has to be some kinda power, right? right? hellooo? anybody? guess not..... must be waistn' my time again......
just go to a library, fuck what they think, its a public library you have as much right to it as anyone else.
I'm not afraid of what people think, dude, but why should i go to a library when i could find the stuff i need online?


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