Mohawks Rock

I got some studs today (yay) and i had a fuckload of trouble getting them in, the legs of the stud are too thick to bend with a pair of pliers! tips?

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I'd say a thimble, but if using pliers isn't working I don't think a thimble on your finger would lol
I got nothing
any suggestions for putting it through the inside layer of my jacket?
is your jacket lined??

either a little slit where the prongs are applying pressure to help them through or remove the liner entirely.
remove the liner? but it will be uncomfortable
The inside of leather is generally suede so it won't really be uncomfortable.
And you can always sew the liner back in.
only if you wear it naked. o.o haha

you can always sew it back in like herb said. but how is it any different than wearing denim that is studded?
I dunno i have never worn that.........
Also its hard to stud close together
take a close up pic of the studs.
will do mate
Pyramid studs are a cinch! these things are fucked.
And im putting them in my leather jacket.


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