Mohawks Rock

I was just wondering if when you lost your virginity was it all you expected ? was it with the right person ? I'll start , I was 21 she was 22 , it was all over before I knew what I was doing , it was on my honey moon , I'll never forget it but I think she would like to lol

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a very common sense aproach to sex Lotte :) cudos
would not matter if you were straight edge Joey , the fact that you are still a virgin is cool anyway :)
straightedge isnt about not having sex mate
some people would beg to differ doll
i'm 19 and still a virgin, and i intend to keep it that way. i'm straightedge but that doesn't mean that i'm waiting until marriage. i'm just waiting for a (very) serious relationship that is going to stay, well, serious. seeing as most relationships bore me too easily, i think i'd rather wait a long while. i'm very happy with this state. i have a friend who keeps jeering at me because she's gone farther than me. i don't get it, she's the one who's waiting for marriage, why is she making fun of me? *shrug* whatever.
cudos for being straightedge :) and for being a virgin , not that it matters one way or the other as long as you make the choice for yourself and are happy with it , no use trying to please others , especially friends , you cannot trully be happy unless you are happy with yourself first .
good on ya lreen :) just out of curiosity , who do you think it is a bigger deal for , a man or a woman , who do you think puts more thought into the whole losing your virginity thing ?
I'd agree with you about the women. It's socially acceptable for men to be sexually active, but if a girl has slept with more than one person it seems to earn her the title of "slut". At least where I live.
its a big deal for guys because there is so much pressure to lose it and a hell of a lot less for girls.
I think that could be said about most patriacle societies , especially here in Australia where male domination still exists , women are still expected to do the housework and look after the kids , I would love to be a stay at home dad :)
i dunno what id be, probably work if i had a job and want to be home, or be at home and want to work lol
I myself did not spend too much time thinking about it as I was too busy with fast cars and bikes :) but most of the guys I know lie about when they lost it , seems they think the earlier they lose it the better they are , helps with the whole stud persona I guess :)


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