Mohawks Rock

i wonder..those with killer mohawks and shaved sides. would u tattoo the side of your head.
what tattoo would u get and if you do have one , did it hurt?
i have 3 tattoos and i want a chest tattoo but as of late i have been thinking more and more about
getting a biohazard sign on the side of my head.

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Don't see a lot of head tattoos around the world. It's more of a biker style or a body mod artists style of tattoo. Not to say others aren't brave enough. It's the idea of social acceptance being a bit tattered by the appearance of what-have-you. But what would I get if I felt brave enough for one... I'd go with the kanji of Free and Riot
..the only problem for me would be work, since I dont care much what people think about me lol if i did i wouldnt do most of the things i do. Otherwise I would tattoo the back of my head probably, but who knows maybe i will actually do it one day. hooray for body mods.
oh indeed. work is what stops me too. its enough i have a but that bod mod pic is pretty sick..i am loving it.. but thats too much for me. a small tattoo would be nice on my head anyway. hair grows lol
He's drinking PBR!!! That stuff is good. :)
This looks cool with the bone dragon - plus, what a beaute orange!
wait another four years and I will post my full face tat here :) thought I would get my first tat on my 50th birthday and why not go a full face :) probably go maori tribal
no shit dude...full face? total hardcore. i wanta see pics . i'm still toying with the biohazard sign.
Do an original design, maori tribals are overdone
That is awesome. I want a face tat too, but again the whole "work" situation.
When I "grow up" I'm gonna tattoo at least one side of my head.

I would rather tattoo my head than my toes again (which I am going in for more work soon haha)
It always cracks me up when you throw in "when I grow up".
More or less, it's true! haha


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