Mohawks Rock

i think naked is beautiful,im not trying to be a slut,or be pornographic.I'm not trying to expoit my body.I am simply trying to be a suicide girl for the simple pleasure of being an alternative model,with self respect.i respect my body,and im not afraid to say this.the last thing i would want ot do is submit porn.suicide girls are beautiful,and artistic and unique.Not porn.i will defend my rights to do what i want with my body,wether it be piercing it,scarring it, or showing it.i think nudity is beautiful to an extent before it starts to be mistaken as pornographic.

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Comment by Kaarina Rotten Crotch on February 13, 2009 at 8:13am
I've heard of God's Girl...and from what I HEARD they sound decent, but i don't know any friend who are with
Comment by PoisonedByTheReligion on February 3, 2009 at 7:16am
I'm attracted to how a girl presents herself. Not necessarily how she looks.
Comment by Kaarina Rotten Crotch on February 3, 2009 at 4:40am
Not all fat girls are ugly and not all skinny girls are pretty. =\ But it also goes along with personal preferences

And the kids saying it isn't porn, have no idea then what softcore porn is. Or what the nation used to consider pornographic. lol
To sisterhood!
My point isn't about "ugly girls" or "fat girls", women are beautiful for who they are. And this is another thing that bothers me. HOW WOMEN ARE EXPECTED TO LOOK A CERTAIN WAY! If they don't look a certain way, they are not accepted. this kind of shit makes me sick.
Comment by Kayla 1 day ago I agree with Can
SG's was cool at the start, but now its just trashy
and they let anyone join these days
they have some nasty chicks with fat rolls like a mother fucker.
SG is shit.
And that was definately NOT what I was talking about.
I was talking about how porn makes me sick, even if it's softcore.
I know thats it is the choice of the women if they want to do that, but posing naked on the internet to get a couple of bucks isn't really showing any respect for yourself, or other women. Having self respect for yourself is maybe takikng pictures of yourself with your clothes on. Just because a girl is naked in a picture, does NOT make it attractive.
I'm sorry I might be sounding like a feminazi, but how society views women, makes me fucking sick.
Comment by Khaos on February 2, 2009 at 12:47am
I forgot to throw in the noises for my previous comment.

*there is a dull roar of warm conversations and corks popping and glasses clinking in the background* Cheers! I hope this helps clear that up, haha.
Comment by Khaos on February 2, 2009 at 12:44am
Not all fat girls are ugly and not all skinny girls are pretty. =\ But it also goes along with personal preferences

And the kids saying it isn't porn, have no idea then what softcore porn is. Or what the nation used to consider pornographic. lol
To sisterhood!
Comment by PoisonedByTheReligion on January 31, 2009 at 1:44pm
If you like taking pictures of yourself, buy a camera. Or steal one.. or MAKE one..

And if you want them on the internet for people to see, pay 1.99 to host your own webpage. Or go to one of the hundreds of free online websites that let you maintain ownership of your art.

Don't let some schmuck on a computer exploit you.
Comment by weaksauce on January 31, 2009 at 1:21pm
I'm pretty sure SG is meant to be porn and not art... None the less, SG's are hot and even if they are supposed to be "art" I believe more people fap to them than enjoy the artistic values of the shots >.o
Comment by CRACKcityrocker on January 31, 2009 at 2:52am
Really in my opinion its not meant to be pron, and the girls on there are on their by choice not because someone forced them to be. So it might be porn but the girls are their because they want to be it makes them feel good so keep on keeping on Emily! Your hair rocks and you are beautiful! lol
Comment by Kaarina Rotten Crotch on January 30, 2009 at 10:30pm
SG IS SMUTT, it's not artistic. What makes it artistic?
Is it because there is a bunch of girls with multi colored hair, and they are naked. It's the same as any other naked picture.
Comment by Segadoway on January 30, 2009 at 9:29pm
its not the same as porn, its just that people are pervs, it doesnt make it porn, thats like saying that a person walking down the street is porn if they get perved on, SG isnt there to provide pornographic material, it is artistic.

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