Mohawks Rock

recently i shaved my head completly bald and im still tearful whenever i see myself. doe any girls here have a shaved head?

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I did a few times. My hair grows out insanely fast. it took me two and a half months to grow about three inches of hair. The in between stage is really the worst.

If it really bugs you...there are options, like wigs and hair extensions.
May I inquire as to why you shaved your head?
I'm also curious why you shaved your head...and was the the sides or the entire head?
And I usually keep my sides shaved, but I'm having the opposite problem as you. I need to grow mine out and its killing me. xD

My hair grows superr fast. After a 3 weeks since shaving it you can barely see my scalp.
I know when I get bed head that it's time for a shave. haha
I'm trying to the leopard print thing like you have in a few of your pictures! It looks amazinggg!

I have not had bed head yet- no with the sides anyway. My hair has always been super easy to care for. Ive never had to try and "fix" it in the morning other than brushing it a little. I suppose Ive been lucky in that area.
haha thank you! it was free hand and a brush. it definitely looks more natural to me that way haha.

the mohawk part doesn't ever give me problems unless it's wicked dirty or has been up for over a week. But the sides...fuck me. haha. I don't like them touching my ears either. So when it starts tickling and becomes unruly. haha. But I've got curly thick hair too which is lameee.
You're very welcome! Ive heard that the celery thing works but I'm kinda leaning towards freehand also.

I used to want curly, or even wavy hair soo badly. I'd try to curl it and I'd never get it to hold. =/
Curly hair is soo attractive.
I know what you mean about the touching your ears. I freak out when things touch my ears..or belly button.
i shave the sides of my head very often and ive shaved my whole head once (though i left my bangs) and i love it every time!


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