Mohawks Rock

Because all of us with pets know that they own us, not the other way around.

I have a very spoiled:

5ft long redtailed-Columbian boa named Cinderella
Tortoishell cat named Reeses(I did not name her, she named herself!)
Longtailed lizard named Igor(someone broke his spine so I'm rehabilitating him)

And just today I got my Chinchilla I have fondly named Cheza. Pronounced Cheh-Zuh. She's the coolest fucking pet I've ever had.

What pets own your life?

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The giant kind, lol!

Mine's only 6bs. Jesus...
Sounds like a Mancoon.
Kelpie cross border collie, and will probably be the death of me.
Well she did leave scars.........
oh man iv always wnated a chinchilla, same with a ferret lol.

anyways i have:
2 german shepperd dogs.
-one named finnigan
-one named lyre

3 cats(had four but we dont know were one went, hes been missing for 2 or 3 weeks :( )
(both were got when my mum was in love with x-files)
-keke. or as we call him "frindge cat" hes a weierd as fuck cat, wont let you pet him but he sleeps ontop of the fridge ALL the time, he wont eat anywhere other then ontop of the fridge. also loves to play in the kitchen sink.

1 bunny

1gunnie pig
Don't feel bad. My friend Kiera has a cat named Coffee, simply because he is as large as the coffee table he sits on all day and is very sweet...unless someone tries to remove him from it.

And her cat Cheese, which will attack you if you have any. I mean he will pounce your ass, claws out.

Needless to say, there is no cheese in that house.
we found the fourth cat :D

also a pic of my dogs(ignore the freak in the green suit)

Do list them, please. I want to be reassured that I'm not the only one that has a small zoo in my house. Literally, the little kids in the neighborhood are always at my door asking to pet sommat.

You don't have any bearded dragons, iguanas, pythons, boas for sale there?

I love my pets. They're all very wonderful. =)

(As Cheza squeaks her approval...)
Oh my. Well, I manage a pet store, so I end up taking work home with me alot, volunteer and foster for a wildlife sanctuary, I excercise horses(I'm with them bout every day so might as well be mine), and I end up with more and more of my own.

I can't even really count all of the animals in my care that aren't "mine." I'm in school to be a veterinarian also. =)

Marry me. We can start a zoo franchise.

I have a fat golden lab named Polar. He's a lazy son of a bitch that likes to sleep all day. When hes not sleeping, he's eating me out of house and home.

I love him, but damn he's stupid.

Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! He's so cuuuuuute!!!!

I love big dogs. They're so lovely for hugs and cuddles!



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