Mohawks Rock

My dad is a truck driver and is gone alot and doesn't notice alot, it's pretty easy to steer clear of him and cover up things. My mom doesn't have a job, but I am able to stay in my room alone whenever. I've been wanting to get a mohawk for a long time. I want to shave the sides, and not gel it up, and I want it to be dark red. I either wanna get it either this year or when I turn 16 next year. So I need some advice. I have 2 friends who would love to help. What should I do to at least convince my mom (cuz dad doesn't have to know, and they're still together) she's always concerned about what other people think. And if talking to her is out, how do I deal with her?

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My parents too were always concerned about what other people thought. It's just them being protective and not wanting me to have trouble, mostly. Though, ultimately I did what I wanted and got one and I didn't have any trouble above my normal lot really.

I'd say wait until you're 16 and talk it over with your mum before it, she may try and forbid it or ask you not to do it. But, ultimately you can do it, still, it's better to have at least one parent partially on your side even if they don't like it.

It really depends on your relationship with your mother, if you can reason with her and open the debate early and keep bringing it up over the months before you do it, it might be easier when you do get a mohawk. Less of a shock than just appearing one day with it which will likely cause even bigger arguments if they aren't even aware you wanted one.

If you're going to wear it down, then you can use that as a defence since it'll be hard for most people to notice except close-up. Again, I suppose you have to deal with the lovely environment of School which can be a real pain, but after 16, I found it a lot better because most of the people remaining were the more mature ones and teachers treated us more like adults, in the last couple years there.
To follow up Kobalos,

Show her the pictures of all the lovely girls on here! The confidence, the awesomeness. Tell her why you want to have this new hairstyle, what it means to you, and how that is important to you and would make you happy.
I think it weighs a lot on you though. If you can't handle criticism, rude comments, excessive attention, etc. you may want to wait a little longer. Don't have the standard "Fuck YOU!!!!!" attitude, be an adult about it.

My mom didn't talk to me for a long time after I shaved my head, 3.5 years ago.
Very well stated, mexican (Khaos).
Yeah, try and get support for your other decisions as well so they won't trip as much when you buzz yur hairs off. You could also liberty spike that shit all wildstyle and consider being upfront with them about it then. (great fucking idea). Unless youre gonna get beaten or something. Then no. And don't watch anime either. just as a general reference.
+ there's a lot of unspoken points about mohawked life life you might wanna consider.
or some kinda tri-hawk. f---k it rite
Good for you ------ 8 ^ )

FUCK anime!! I'd love to hear about other stuff you hate as well. Unlike most people. I feed off all kinds of energies.
get the one i said was good show ur mom she might go with it or start slow wit a fo then get 2 a mohalk


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