Mohawks Rock

I'm not straight-edge, I just don't drink or get high.

I live sober.  I haven't always, but right now I do.  I don't put mind-altering chemicals into my body.  I'm not straight-edge, I'm not big into the hardcore movement, I don't make a statement out of abstinence.  I merely find that I have more friends left in the morning if I don't drink.  

So I'm at a gig or I'm in a pub or wherever, and I'll be offered a drink.  
I say "thanks, but I don't drink".  
If I'm punked-up, the first response will usually be "ah right, straight-edge, hardcore!" 
I'll say "no, I just prefer orange juice".  
"Go on, have a pint then, it won't hurt you!"
"I appreciate the offer, but I don't drink".
"You've never had alcohol?  Ever?"
"I have in the past, but I don't want one now".
"Look, if you want me to fuck off, just don't be rude about it".
"No, it's not that.  I'm a recovering alcoholic, I don't want a drink".
"Oh shit, sorry".

Does it really need to go that far?  I mean seriously!  Does anyone else have this issue of people being weird and pushy about alcohol or drugs?  

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Catterick or Aldershit?
Colchester. We have lived in catterick.
Dad came out the army like 10 years ago, and we've stayed here
What cap badge?
a drug is fine to push away, but a drink.. its your lost! lol.
you know, there's more things to do at a bar, club, or gig then alcohol. If I go to places that serve alcohol it's usually cuz there billiards or music there.
who me? I'm 25.
lol ok
I'm also 25.
great topic iam clean and sober also.SO glsd to hear so many positive respones.i unfortunatly wasted have my life to drugs and alcohol maybe yu can join my club recovering addicts and alcoholics sohappy i am not alone thanks for the inspiration ASH out
i think mayb e you should try AA meetings. or NA. i have a friend whos your exact same age who does more then just drink, but hes the sweetest person ever. and hes staring to go to those and theres big improvement.
maybe you would like it
yea i understand
good luck to you and i understand the whole pride thing. i would probably do the same myself, if it were anything at all i would do it myself too.
idk whenever i drink affterwards i feel really weird and i feel like i need fresh air and to cleans my body. and i know working out really helps. maybe you could try? or even going on a walk, i love walking, i walk everywhere
i mean i dont have the drinking problem but i do have the same problem with my old friends with drugs, ive done alot and now that im sober of all that BS its like i got to explain my self to everyone to why you dont wanna get fucked up anymore and plus you find out who your true friends are i cant tell you how many ppl ive lost in my life bc i dont get high anymore...its sad really...but im a better person for it and so are you!


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