Mohawks Rock

So far I've been using a 4 guard when I buzz my sides, but I've been wondering how a 3 would look, and what you ladies use. (I don't want to bic it, my skull is ugly, haha)

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Well I buzzed it myself today (ok, with a little help rom my husband). I used a 2 and I thought that was about the perfect length I was going for, but I figured I could go shorter and not have to trim it up as soon, so I did again with a 1. It's a little short for my taste, but only because my little sideburn thingies look kinda funny since I didn't really blend them in, lol. But I figure in a week it'll look fine. I'll try to take a pic later and post it or something. I know you're just dying to know what it looks like, haha.

If I can stop rubbing my head that is, I love that fuzzy feeling.

That's the side I cut at 1/8" :D Trying not to accidentally shave off my mohawk, left-handed, using a mirror to do the back was just beyond me, lol. So my husband did the left side. I gots me a good one :P
Awesome, looks good :)
0 or 2. Depending on my mood. I hate when it's all fuzzy. Can't stand it.


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