Mohawks Rock

are awesome, discuss

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but ducatis pwn, also MINDLESS THREAD POST ON IT!
it is about time ninjas get the credit and admiration they deserve....they are amazing....far better than pirates with their patches and peg legs (not modern day cyber pirates, file swappers etc but those of old times)

for all the ninjas you can handle:
Real Ultimate Power
that site is an orgasm in HTML form

cant go on that site without having to change my underwear and wipe up a mess.....people have said i jack off to much but that is not the case, its just i go on that site at least 10 times a day =p
fuck yea ninjas are fuckin awesome better than fuckin pirates
yeah ninjas pwn the shit outta pirates
Ninjas rule...


BTW, Ducatis do NOT pwn.

Suzuki or Honda ALL THE WAY.
but but......meh its a mates opinion not mine xD
yeah but now ur a piratical ninja and all is well
Ninjas are just....

Pirates are okay, but a little too hairy for my pleasure.
true and i know of few pirates with mohawks...
ninjas vs. pirates

ninjas have stealth and superpowers.....but
pirates have swords and eyeliner

ninjas FTW!!!!!!!!!!


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