Mohawks Rock

i don't want to label my self but i consider myself a punk i listen to punk, im an anarchist, and i hang out with punks. What I want to know is whats with the vegetarian thing, i don't get it. Sure animal rights is wonderful and necessary but i know i don't and many other don't have the money to buy vegetarian/vegan food or free range meat. Also, its probably true that if animals had the brains and thumbs they would eat us, so just comment on you thoughts of vegetarianism, peta, veganism, and so on.

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No no, I wasn't trying to say it in a like sarcastic way
Its actually my opinion

I acknowledge all the points they make but I still eat meat because I'm not that passionate about it.
im a vegetarian
my view is that people be veggies coz of animal testing
its cruel
i agree with that but i aint a veggie at all
also its not just the punx tht are veggies
its mainly goths n punx
i also dont like meat
"its mainly goths n punx"

I think I disagree with this in the sense that though a lot are, there are a lot also who do not associate with either culture. A lot of noise people I have met, a lot of indie kids, even really well known celebrities like James Cromwell and Laurence Fishburn follow a vegetarian or vegan diet/ethic.
true its really quite spaced out lol
I just want to get this clear, anarchy has nothing to do with being a punk. Punk is about social revolution, breaking away from mainstream society. Anarchy is a political belief. You can be a punk without being a anarchist. You can be an anarchist without being a punk.
true, i dunno why but i just dont like meat...
That is a huge problem in that most small or independent farmers are getting displaced and put out of livelihood because of things like NAFTA and globalization. Community farms cannot compete for long with corporate monsters such as Wal-Mart. And as for getting them butchered or packed etc, that gets drastically fucked by factory farms so they cannot compete financially and it sucks.

Ultimately, I do not think it is morally wrong to eat animals and tribes over centuries have done so but in non-exploitative manners. I refuse to support animals never being free and living in those torturous conditions. With that said, largely there are plenty of substitutes to get the nutrients and vitamins one would get from meat, its just a matter of having the knowledge on what to eat and then having the money to do so (which is its own problem)
I agree with you.
It's natural for humans to eat meat (why else would we have the teeth for it?), but the way most animals are treated is just wrong.
I'm a vegetarian because of this reason. I like (some kinds of) meat, but will not eat any untill animals are treated better. I guess that means I'll never eat meat again, but as long as I'm not part of the problem...
im sure if animals had the brains and thumbs
think about what yo just said
Some animals do eat us.... if given the opportunity.


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