Mohawks Rock

ive heard alot latley from people that punks dead personally i dont think it is whats ur opinions?

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no, ska isn't dead either, they've just faded far from the mainstream consciousness
Thank God for that too.
When they say that Punk is dead, they blaspheme!! Naw, it's not dead, it's just a little more underground. I know loads of punks who don't dress the part but still love it, the music scene is still alive!
It's deader than it was when it first came to, obviously. The scene where I am is pretty dead, but it's coming back now. Except.. there are scene kids to corrupt it. But when you have to claim something is not dead, that pretty much means it is. So when kids wear those PUNX NOT DEAD! shirts.. I'm like.. dude you just killed it by wearing that shirt.
I just laughed at that last comment so much. "dude you just killed it by wearing that shirt!"

I think thats how Elvis died too. Some overweight impersonator put on the shirt "ELVIX NOT DEAD!" and the real elvis suddently collapsed in his carribean hideaway away from the public.
Hahahahahahaha I'm glad I can bring joyous laughter to people. =D
"But when you have to claim something is not dead, that pretty much means it is. So when kids wear those PUNX NOT DEAD! shirts.. I'm like.. dude you just killed it by wearing that shirt."

errr, no it doesnt, its a response to a claim made by crass...
i have one of those:(
punk never died, people just dont know where to look for it, if anything its gone back to what i t orginally was, underground
Punk is Still Alive, It never died cuz we keep it alive
What the fuck! Are you punk? Are you dead? If you think punk is dead or qquestion it. Then you arn't punk. I will never say that or question it. I mean A month ago I ran in to Sunnie from the butthole surffers. He's like 56yrs old and he an't dead. He still belives punk will be a statment and state of minde as long as there is degenaret,miscread,misfits running around. I am one of those kids shuved out and on the road by 11yrs. Now I have 4 children and I teach them the truth and they are the diffarence in society. True punks from birth and always.
i know its not its just ive heard alot of punks saying its dead and i completly disagree if anything punk is how it should be and thats underground


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