Mohawks Rock

Do you shave the sides of your head yourself? - Because I fail

Just curious. Do you do it yourself or get a friend/relative to shave the sides of your head for you?

I had a friend shave the sides of my head twice, but I didn't want to keep relying on him to do so every week or so. His lady is about 5 months pregnant, so the less I bother them the better. Plus they live quite a distance away and I don't have a car.

So... I've been doing it myself. I tried a second mirror, but I was confusing myself.
Instead I use my hand as a barrier to stop the clippers running into hair I want to keep.

But tonight I failed.

The sight of EPIC FAIL

Larger versions plus photos of the damage uploaded already.

After tonight, I'm going to try to get another friend to help me. I'll see how bad it looks tomorrow when I put it up, but I don't think it's going to be too noticable. I hope.

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the trick i use is put ure hair up first get a comb put it as close to your hawk and clip keep movin the comb to where you wanna shave it =D
it works for me and if your hair is up you can bick your head for the bald skin ive done it for years now and had no problems
A comb! I will definitely try that instead of my fingers.

I usually do it while my hair is up, but it was about 11:30pm when I did it, so I didn't want to put my hair up just before bed.

It's now 12:20am and I'm not sleepy :(
fair play mate its 2pm where iam lol
just try it 2moz ive never had a problem wiv it
:) Hopefully no one will notice it. Luckily I noticed hair falling quickly so I stopped.

Looking at the photos again it's not too bad, but I'll know better in the morning when I do my hair. Honestly I don't think people at work are really going to notice that I accidently shaved a bit off. At least I'm hoping no one does. I might try and sleep, but I only sleep 4-5 hours a night anyway.

Any other tips for those of us that shave the sides yourself?
I've got chunks missing out of my hawk... As long as you don't shave it through (side to side) most people won't notice. Hell, some people with hawks probably will never notice, unless they cut your hair for you or look directly down on your hawk.

I've never had a problem holding it down. It's when I have my hair in mini pony tails (kind of in liberty spike formation haha) I get the guard caught in it and thats mostly when I accidentally cut it the wrong way.

I remember a thread talked about a tape method like two months ago...not sure how that works. Just go slowly.

Good luck!
nope thats the only tip i have... it works ive had about 4 hwks all it gurd condition just follow what i say and there will be nomore hair loss...
tie it up with little elastic bands
then start with the bits closest to the hair you want to keep
i do mine in the shower with a razor, but ive done far worse damage than that lol, just take it slow and practice, combs help alot
* use combs instead of fingers to mark off area
* Rubber bands to keep hair out of the way and hands free
* slow and steady

/me writes it all down

I was taking it slowly, but my concentration lapsed. Then I felt some decent length hair fall. If I'd been going quicker, I would have lost more.

This is good :)
if you want to razor it, do it in the shower as the water makes it easier, and do short quick strokes.
I've been using a set of clippers. I WON'T be using that in the shower, especially when it's plugged in :P
pfft if you were a real man you would......


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