Mohawks Rock

Hey guys! I've noticed a lot of new faces lately. MR has grown considerably since November 2007, especially in the past year or so (we have celebrated 2000th member and beyond in the past year!).

So, I think it's about time we started an official newbie introduction to thread!

Feel free to come through here, say hey! Tell us something about yourself! Established members, too! You might be surprised at what you find out, even about someone you thought you knew really well. Maybe you live close to some members! Or have a unique ability that will set you apart from the rest. Don't be shy!

If you ever have questions, don't hesitate to ask. If you're feeling shy, you can use the search bar at the top right hand side of the browser, too.

Also, check out this thread. It explains the chat feature on this site. Real, live chatting with fellow mohawk enthusiasts! You can either access it from the chat tab up top or the bar that runs all the way across the bottom of the browser.
The Chat Room!

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This is true - I bow to your Googlenishnesses likeness win! ;)
hi my name is dani and i joined a few days ago. i live in maryville tn. i am married and have two little girls. i am a stay at home mom but i am going back to school soon. if you want to know anything else just ask.
OK, back to normal reality and that's not where you'll find me...I'm called Skip; I'm ignorant, arrogant, obnoxious, cheeky (that's very true) and I've been with the site since around Sept 2008. (Hopefully, all that will completely put you off me heh heh 'cause I iz busy being happy messing away my time playing games atm!)

I've had a mohawk on and off for the last 20 years or so...whoa...where time goes...but yeah, atm it's still got some blue left and I ain't put it up for a while. As for hobbies, I can do various things, though atm I'm working on ideas and designing a game. Oh, and I'm very freaky and sensible at heart (no contradictions at all!).
Ok, introductions, it appears to be a reccuring thing on every site, so here we go;

I'm Ziddy, last time I checked still female, 24 years old, and live in that little country called the Netherlands. I live on my own on a rented room with my 6 months old cat Nagi Sapa, and two aquariums.

Just got on here yesterday, after searching for examples and tips&tricks on mohawks. Around 2006 or '07 I started to shave the sides, and began to walk around in cybergoth style. But, being me, I always mixed different styles, never really sticking to one in particular. I've had hawks off and on, shaved (almost) everything off for about 3 times in between, and starting halfway 2009 began to go back to 'decent' hairdo's. For as long as it could last ^^ . Right now the itch is getting back, and I'm slowly but surely prepping to go back to hawks. I think I'm gonna stick with deathawks now, it's really my preffered style.

Anywayz, you'll see me around here on regular basis, and also in the chatroom.
Hi people :)

I'm Nathan & I started with a mohawk earlier this year (had one a decade ago for a while too). My eldest just went off to Uni so I was surfing for a way to manage my hair myself now my strimmer-pilot has gone off to get a life of his own. Having some difficulty getting hair length (constant problem I've been cursed with through grows to 2" & seems to stop) & a bit wary of the weekly strim (went to Supercuts yesterday...not about to pay that every week but they did a good[ish] job that seemed to reset the length back to what it was 3 months ago for 'split-ends' -.-).
Going to look round the site for any advice on managing my style on my own & to get to know people here.
The most amazing thing I've found about having a mohawk is the only people who give me hassle now wear a suit & tie...& they are very quick to apologise for doing so if they see I noticed. For a rather mild guy (who happens to know martial arts) it is a refreshing change.
AHH only two new introductions? I know there are a lot of you newer shy guys/gals who have never even SEEN this thread. COME ON AND SAY HELLO!!!
Howdy neighbours, I'm Jerry, just joined up to this mofo.
Anyhow I'm an aussie, probably not the only one, from Brisbane in sunny old queensland.
I'm a musical sort of person and trying to get a band together at the moment. I was playing bass in a psychobilly band but I haven't heard much back from them for a few weeks so I figured fuck 'em, I'll go start my own shit.
Workwise, I'm a kitchenhand and trying to get out of it, need afew more months of pay first so I can get sound equipment and a guitar. After I've got that it's all smooth sailing.
And I'm going to end this intro now as my focus of attention has shifted, so ciao, nice "meeting" you folks.
right lets do this erm im killian yea thats my reall name lol i live in london england im all sorts of crazy and a bit of weirdo erm i cant really remenber when i joined its at least a couple of years ago if not more so hi everyone :)
Hi All,

Thought I'd add to this introductions thread. I'm Simon, a total Mohawk Noob (had mine about 2½ months now and loving it). At 39 I'm gonna be in the older minority on here I guess, but hey, I don't care if you don't! I'm from Nottingham in the UK.

Been a Design Engineer for 20+ years (since I left school), and work for a firm with relaxed dress code which is ideal. That's my day job, on evenings and weekends I'm a photographer (yes, a proper, bona fide, make-money-from-it photographer). Loving my life at the minute. :)

You can find me all over the net as SIMpixels, do feel free to follow me on FB, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr (or wherever) if you wish.



What's up? I'm Pamparius the Sailor Man.

Finally caved and signed up after a couple days of lurking. I've found this site looking for tips on styling my mohawk. I'm a history student (will probably end up working as a teacher) from the Netherlands. I'm 21 years old and have had a mohawk for...I reckon almost a year. Worked well enough, considering I've just tried out different things myself, without looking for help much (yep, I am a stubborn bastard).

Apart from mohawks, I enjoy punk rock, parties, history, reading, various kinds of beer and gaming (though the latter not as much lately).

P.S. the beard in my picture is not an actual beard, sadly. I probably should look into taking a picture of the hawk at some point.

I joined in January i think. Im nice and intelligent so hit me up for a conversation and well talk. I have had mohawks in the past but my most recent one was great but i cut it because my friends hair fell out and i was there for him with a razor. But yeah message me and ill see what i can do.

I'm Dustin Lytle and live in Kokomo, Indiana. I'm 16


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