Mohawks Rock

January 2012 Blog Posts (12)

my mini freak out...


oh did i tell you? i got a 5.5 on an english reflections paper. (5.5= 150 i think) idk its the highest grade possible!

Wyatt Gooch:



i want to show it to you tomorow. oh, and i got mypractice act scoreback...22


cool! and yoyu wer e…


Added by Emmmallee on January 25, 2012 at 2:32am — No Comments


do we truley think we can save the world with another pill? another shot? just one more dollar and the "world" will be alright...

why in the fuck do we belive what the goverment tells us? why do we stand under them!

we are the people with out us standing behind the goverment it will fall! MONEY = POWER!!!!

money was made by the goverment to control us and since the goverment is at the top he/she has the most money witch also equals power but then theres companys like "walmart"…


Added by Alexandera Vanity on January 23, 2012 at 11:30pm — No Comments


when we were little ans the sirens went off we rounded up all the cats and dogs and kids, got a flashlight, pillows, and radio, and sat in my parents closet all night.

now i hear the sirens and no one stops to listen. we could care less if they  think a tornados coming, we're busy, got shit to do and people to see. (or text), or were to damn busy sleeping. its much more fun this way

Added by Emmmallee on January 23, 2012 at 12:10am — No Comments

music and frankie

my bro frankie denounced me as a sister on christmas. so i stop bothering to do things for him. mama lectured me on how i hurt his feelings by ignoring his feelings, especially when i drive us to school and play music he doesnt like and embarrasses him, especially since SHE doesnt consider music at all and its just trash. talk about not hurting peoples feelings bitch. what the fuck? i dont care if he likes my music, we sure as hell aint gonna listen to fall out boy or eminem on the way to…


Added by Emmmallee on January 21, 2012 at 1:35pm — No Comments


my whole family is embarrassed by me. not because of how i dress or the music i listen to or where i stand in politics, (though they hate that shit too), but for doing all the things we are normally taught.   im 17, i have a job, my license, and a car. i pay my own bills, i always go to school, and i always do my best to pass. i want my diploma. i know where i want to be in 5 years, i know what i believe in, and i dont let people sway me to think otherwise. they cant do most any of these…


Added by Emmmallee on January 21, 2012 at 1:31pm — No Comments

Hall of Fame

Well, the site's nearing its fifth year anniversary and I thought I'd go over some good memories of the good folk that've been here.

Of course, naturally, with me, I'll add in a little insight into my weirdness for sneakers & boots for the fun of it. :)

One of the real stars of chat on the site, from years ago, Fuzzy Commie (who as the nick suggested had his own separate definition of that).  He was always in talking to everyone, every day really, kept the chat…


Added by Kobalos on January 20, 2012 at 12:00am — 5 Comments


i just de-activated my FaceBook account. i was getting annoyed with it, and people on it, and using it, so bye-bye, adios, and good ridance.

Added by Emmmallee on January 19, 2012 at 12:28am — No Comments

a lazy day.

it wasnt bad or anything, i thoroughly enjoyed it to be honest. for once, my boyfriend and i just layed in his room all day and slept, not doing really anything and just chillaxin. it was strangly nice.

Added by Emmmallee on January 9, 2012 at 1:48am — No Comments


So today I went bowling with some friends who were in town for the holidays, and this girl who also had a Mohawk caught my eye. I noticed her staring because she was only a few steps away so I complimented her on her Mohawk because it was a cool color turquoise and she just gave me the cold shoulder and walked away. I am certain she heard me which makes me wonder either how I went wrong or why she didn't have the decency to say thank you or even a smile. I don't know maybe I am just… Continue

Added by Patches on January 8, 2012 at 3:29am — 1 Comment

I want people to go on here and put their opinions on the different subjects and I also need ideas for new posts. My Blog

I want people to go on here and put their opinions on the different subjects and I also need ideas for new posts.

My Blog


Added by Joey Simes on January 2, 2012 at 10:17pm — No Comments

I started blogging

I want people to go on here and put their opinions on the different subjects and I also need ideas for new posts.

Added by Joey Simes on January 2, 2012 at 10:11pm — No Comments

I started blogging.

I want people to go on here and put their opinions on the different subjects and I also need ideas for new posts.

Added by Joey Simes on January 2, 2012 at 9:14pm — No Comments

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