Mohawks Rock

hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia (uncountable)

The fear of long words, ironically. It is literally the hippopotamus- and monster-related fear of very long words.
Ben is a sufferer of a mild form of hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia

WTF? society confuses me

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i always thought that was not seen as a 'real' phobia, just something that someone made up.

alwaysed loved it though, the irony is great.
Took me a few tries....
On the topic of the ridiculousness of the English language, what idiot put an S in lisp?
baha, and if you have a lisp, you're fucked if you have any other disorders.

Lisp + stutter + epilepsy = ???

haha, can you imagine all the weird scenarios?
that would completely suck
haha yeah.
that's essentially my little sister right there.

except she doesn't stutter as much as she did when she was younger. or whatever other speech issue she had.
In addition, has anyone ever noticed that "stutter" is a bitch to say if someone has a stutter?
mhmm haha

;-) that's why it was included.
My sister can't pronounce epilepsy, so she calls it her "E's"
why did they have to make it so long.
they wont be able to tell anyone about their fobia.
...society is funny and contradictory

as are humans.
such intriguing creatures.


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