Mohawks Rock

ITT: People ask for advice on absolutely anything and we provide it.

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Hey, Im Booker and im new to MR. Anyway i fucking hate my family and i want to leave, i've left before but they always want to me to come back and i cave. I live in a small town and , i want to go to Australia. Should i leave i wanna be a gutter punk iwant to have no master and one to control me, should i leave
Didn't expect it to?
thanks for the advice but i dont steal it always ends up hurting the lower portion of society, im looking into emancipation right now
Well i thank you sir, i really appreciate it.
hey, I need your help

I accidentally 93MB of .rar files

what should I this dangerous ?
At the bottom of the reply form their is an "upload files" link. Use that to upload. Or click on the camera in the top bar and follow those instructions for adding the picture directly in your reply.

I think you'll find that anyone can rock a mohawk. Looking good has a lot more to do with your personal confidence and attitude than anything else.

Check out some of the pictures on here for plenty of ideas, lots of girls have mohawks, in fact one of the featured albums on here from awhile back is called "girls with mohawks".

Good luck. -GMM

P.S. Segadoway, nice forum. and of course it works!
I part my hair and use pony tail things. Double mirror. Fuck tape... I already got the elastics laying around. Haha.

And remember. The cake is a lie.
What i do when icut my sides, although i dont have them shaved just shorter than the rest, is that i take a comb a pencil and some rubberbands or hair ties.

First i comb my hair to get out all the knots

Then i comb my bangs to the front and take a section making sure that it's the thickness and position i want. not off to the side or anything.

After i get that section i tie it up with a rubber band

Next i take the pencil and follow the scalp lines to make sure the sections are even and tie a ruberband and repeat

Finally i just but the sides remaining.
How does bear know what apples is?


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