Mohawks Rock

Update: Added some 1st Annual International Mohawk Day Pictures
We've been chatting in the chat room tonight and decided that in honor of the 1 year birthday of that we shall declare the "ides of MO-vember" International Mohawk Day. Its also a Saturday so its pretty much perfect. Basically, everyone should charge the hawks on November 15. We should also spread the word everywhere we can.

What other activities can we drum up for the first annual "International Mohawk Day" and's birthday?

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I have two other ideas for "IMD." So that members can participate world-wide, how about a website contest? Establish a page with photos of individuals sent in by members and have voting as to their favorite? Maybe several categories, such as, buzzhawk, fauxhawk, mohawk and giant mohawk. Perhaps a prize for each winner - MR t-shirt? Set up cut off dates for entry and polling. Winners to be announced at midnight on November 14th.

Second idea is to have some kind of group event in major cities. Friends can gather to sport their hawks at an appropriate setting, such as a bar, restaurant, food court or ???

I remember ComicCon started with a few hundred attendees, now there are thousands! Same with Trekkers and Burning Man. Just a thought. For like-minded people.
A MOHAWK CONVENTION!?! HELL YEAH! although in my town there aren't many rockin' the hawk.
I'm definately gonna post fliers around campus and shave some free mohawks for people, maybe put up a few for some people.
This should work to just click and add to your Google Calendars if you use them.

cool idea...happens two days after my birthday no less!!!

I would suggest having a scheduled chat that night/day for it.

Sadly I probably wont be around for it due to tabling a show and celebrating birthday that day with close friends...but if it happens I will make sure my spirit is there =p
International mohawk day, nice.. time to litter the street with flyers.
Yeah, i've already decided that im going to shave into the side of my head
how the hell would you get teh entire thing into the side of your head??


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