Mohawks Rock

I can now say I searched the forum, and I can't find shit on how to dye your hawk different colors at the same time. I just want to know what methods people use for coloring the base one color and the tips another without them touching each other.

I think I want a blue base, then green and possibly red on top of all that if I could.

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I haven't tried this and can't say that I've seen a forum talking about it either.

My guess is that you would want to dye the base blue first, then color over with green dipped upside down, then just dip the tips in red. My plan only seems flawed in that it sounds like a 1960s batman show.

Or maybe you could just dye the hawk blue, then use temporary coloring that you constantly change up. I've only ever used temporary colors in my hawk.
I would say use foils, and make sure its dry before washing out, and wash each one out individually.
Try asking a hairdresser?
ok, though ive never had a multicolored hawk, ive gone through about 31 different haircolors over the past 4 years :)
to do multiple colors, youve got two options
a)beach out all your hair, then apply on color at a time
this means color the blue first, let it process, then wash it out. The the green, then the red
its gonna be very time consuming, but probably your best bet to get even sections and no running

you could also
B)bleach out all your hair and apply all colors at once
foiling is almost necessary for this (i would recommend putting foil around the green section to make separation easy)

either way, multiple colors is kinda tricky to do, but very possible :)
i've had my hair multiple colours quite a few times. i use a dye that's not particularily runny, so i have no problems with the colours running into each other and stuff. and i just do it all at once. works like a charm for me :)
I used to do color fades. I know it's possible. (blue to green, pink to orange, etc)

But it also depends on what you mean. Like stripes into your hawk? Vertical, horizontal, etc.?
I know when I did Mr. Khaos's yellow/red/black (horizontal) I did the lightest color first *which was on the bottom*, the second lightest, and then the last one. Each time I made him rinse it and dry it and then I sectioned it out.

I know my friend does crazy patches and she uses banana clips and saran wrap or foil (cause it will hold the dye in and not absorb it)


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