Mohawks Rock

i cut my hair into one but its a wide friend said it looked stupid but i like having my hair ...but should i cut more off the top?
idk what to do

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I think chicks should have narrow ones...but thats just me.
ok its narrow but more wider on top..

Personally I don't care what other people think my mohawk "looks" like. If I like it, and I'm happy, then fuck the rest. Right?

AND it REALLY shouldn't matter that you're a chick.

Chicks with mohawks have more balls then, well, a LOT of mother fuckers. So show your pair and tell who ever told you that you're ugly to piss off. (Coz I think you're spiffy)
Agree. Mohawks, to me, show that you don't care what people think. And besides, a chick with a mohawk is just awesome no matter what.. i would date any chick with a hawk if there was one in WI. -_-`. haha
thanks guys..i had my friend even it up for me..i'll post pics too once i get rid of the blue green hair dye (grins)
Answer should be obvious.
and to segadoway...yes it is obvious now..lmao. i got answers to my virgin mohawk questions =)
This is just my personal preference of course, but I think chick hawks look best if they're tall and a bit wider than regular hawks, I don't like them narrow. I think fullness is important when they're fanned, I guess that's the main thing. I just think I like them to be in your face :3
so do i..but i cut my hair due to curly rican fullness. so its not so full anymore. and i always wear it
However the hell you want. Isn't the whole point of getting a mohawk to get it cause you want it, how you want it?

nah..its to make the scary normal people go away =D


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